Founder and Head Designer Laura Dailideniene started the fashion label DAILI with her husband in 2003.
retrospective in 1 pic:
She has exhibited her award-winning, ethereal designs internationally and received acclaim from well-known fashion names such as John Rocha and Matthew Williamson.
Laura uses inspiration from nature to fuel her minimal, but beautiful creations. DAILI offers sculptural clothes and accessories, designed from light, easy draping and natural materials for a very creative, unique and independent woman.
Also glass artist and interior items designer Viktoras Dailidenas, significantly contribute to the prosperity of Daili. He creates glass objects and stainedglass, but likewise provide authentication interested in fashion & design studio development. In 2013 this studio count 10 years , and every year it become stronger and markable in Lithuanian contemporary space. company named SC Dailidesign .
Now its become LTD Dailidesign, with trademark |Laura Daili| & |Daili|