Design Tokyo 2017


“a Wish” glass pendant

We offer desire to create a Wish! Therefore, the dandelion fluff symbolizes the fulfillment of desire. Catch a Wish and be lucky!


This unique pendant is designed by fashion designer Laura Daili.


Every plant character is unique and is made individually by
hand. Each piece of jewelry packed in a special silk paper shaped box with logo
and this may be the perfect gift for your close person or a friend.


Laura Daili exclusivity is a clear concept of it’s purified and European
quality, while the inspiration comes from nature and fills its minimal
beautiful creations.


The globally acknowledged and established eponymous Lithuanian label LAURA DAILI has exhibited award-winning, nature inspired, minimal and ethereal designs internationally and received acclaims from well-known fashion names such as John Rocha and Matthew Williamson.


Laura Daili pendant A Wish, foto Robertas Daškevičius (5) Laura Daili pendant A Wish, foto Robertas Daškevičius (1)


In “DESIGN TOKYO 2017” exhibition you can find us in booth Booth No: E74-30

Laura Daili booth Design Tokyo 2017 (3)

Laura Daili booth Design Tokyo 2017 (1) Laura Daili booth Design Tokyo 2017 (2)

Tokyo Big Sight and Laura Daili Laura Daili in design Tokyo


glass jewelry Laura Daili (2)

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